Thursday 20 May 2010

End of year show

Yesterday i had my tutorial for end of year show and it really helped me figure out what direction i will be taking when it come to displaying my work, i want people to see that i create character and narrative, this is the direction Fred & Lorenzo have advised as it say's more 'Deano' than some of the work i had taken with me, i am really happy with the direction as i was not confident at all about what or how it will look.

Mentioned in the discussion was that i should display my work on the display panels and not the wall, this is something i initial thought m work would work better than on a wall. I could display some of my characters on a horizontal panel and a larger impact print on a vertical panel? Below i have photoshopped some mock ups to hand in to Lynsey and make any changes and to discuss further improvement with both Fred & Lorenzo.

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