Wednesday 26 May 2010

End Of Year Show

After speaking with Fred about what to put into the show we spoke about my project DOY the mexican wrestlers as that project shows character in context as well as alternative character series of the product with turns of the project and packaging and promotion. I will only have one vertical board with one horizontal board and table to place portfolio and business cards.

Thursday 20 May 2010


I have selected this layout for the proposal, i feel having two vertical panels next to each other allows my illustration to go across both and then that would take you to my portfolio and character prints.

Below are some vector mock ups of the panels that i will be using for the show, i have tried two different layout and feel that the one at the bottom is working stronger.

End of year show

Yesterday i had my tutorial for end of year show and it really helped me figure out what direction i will be taking when it come to displaying my work, i want people to see that i create character and narrative, this is the direction Fred & Lorenzo have advised as it say's more 'Deano' than some of the work i had taken with me, i am really happy with the direction as i was not confident at all about what or how it will look.

Mentioned in the discussion was that i should display my work on the display panels and not the wall, this is something i initial thought m work would work better than on a wall. I could display some of my characters on a horizontal panel and a larger impact print on a vertical panel? Below i have photoshopped some mock ups to hand in to Lynsey and make any changes and to discuss further improvement with both Fred & Lorenzo.

Friday 14 May 2010


Brilliant reply email from TADO

Hey guys,

Just dropping an email to say brilliant meeting you both today and thanks for
the lovely chat and advice. I have attached a link to that 'Toe Fluff' exhibition i showed
you earlier, think you should create a little toe fluff, its great fun!

Also the 'found you' book is being sent off to print next week so i'l keep you posted when its finished.

Thanks again

Deano :D

hi dean!
we hope this finds you well and groovy!!
thankyou very much for the smashing email! we're really glad we got to meet you on friday - and we cant wait to see your final show too!
thankyou very much indeedy for the book - we're very excited to see the finished one. we really loved your work and we're sure you're gonna have some fun adventures with it and the little folk!
we're hoping to come up for the final show so hopefully we can see you then :D:D
good luck with all the final bits - we hope it goes ok and if we can help out at all just drop us an email!
m and k

Wednesday 5 May 2010